Truth-seeker. Paradigm-shifter. Alchemist.

I work with visionary leaders, change-makers, and entrepreneurs to co-create beautiful, powerful, sustainable projects, experiences, and communities.

I facilitate, speak, and educate to bridge leadership, healing, and spirituality, to inspire a more beautiful, connected, life-affirming humanity.

Samantha Sacchi reminds us of our power and humanity when we need it most.



Hola beautiful human.

Life is a beautiful ride, and I love to ride it like a queen. I’ve been trotting the globe since I was born, leaving few corners untouched on my own deep healing and self-discovery journey.

I am dedicated to contributing to the collective consciousness in all ways, small or big, with every interaction I have, with everything I touch.

I take the paradigm shift from shame into Love seriously, and there is no part of life that will remain untouched by this collective shift of consciousness we are here to live. I am in full service to the evolution of consciousness of humanity.

Planting seeds, handing keys.

The future of humanity rests not in what we know, but in how deeply we understand ourselves.







[Create] *

[Believe] *

[Catalyze] * [Inspire] * [Empower] * [Create] * [Believe] *

Everything I do is in service to empowerment, transformation, and action. I focus on inner growth for outer impact.



Talks _ Workshops _ Masterclasses

Powerful speaking and facilitating to inspire or educate your team, community, or audience around topics and truths that are seldom discussed & that society is thirsty for:

  • Human Connection, Empathy, Intimacy, Community and Relationships

  • Integrated, Conscious Leadership

  • Emotional Intelligence, Self-awareness, Relationships, Purpose

  • Facing Fear, Anger, and Grief with Courage and Love (Transforming shame)

  • Masculine-Feminine Integration for Men and/or Women.



Consulting _ Program + Experience Design

I consult with organizations to curate powerful transformational experiences and programs that tackle critical knowledge and skill gaps to level up their stakeholders.

There is power in structures that allow for deep clarity, learning, and wisdom.

  • Advise, curate, and deliver highly relevant and effective training programs

  • Level up existing training to be impactful, innovative, and experiential

  • Turning vision or conceptual knowledge into a practical course or experience

  • Infuse business courses with entrepreneurship skills



Coaching _ Mentorship

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, leader, or human going through a life transition, or a sensitive soul wanting to heal or change a situation, my coaching, consulting, and mentorship are centered around your healing and empowerment into action.

  • I challenge you, guide you, and provide structure, knowledge and accountability to gain clarity and come into your power,

  • I help you connect with your true and highest sense of self, find your voice, speak up, level up, and show up - from the soul.

  • I mentor you to birth your projects, ideas, and businesses to life in the world

The education humanity needs transcends the acquisition of knowledge. We must shift the way we relate with ourselves, the world, and each other.


[ Inspiring, creative, insightful ... Samantha is all of that and so much more. ]


[ A woman full of good intentions and positivity. ]


[“Listening to you always leave me with a lifting energy.”] *

[ Inspiring, creative, insightful ... Samantha is all of that and so much more. ] * [ A woman full of good intentions and positivity. ] * [“Listening to you always leave me with a lifting energy.”] *

“We worked hand by hand to create a unique school that delivers unique outcomes to students. We wouldn’t be the institution we are today without the knowledge, passion and expertise in the professional and personal development that Samantha brought.”

Jose A., College CEO

“Sami is such a special and unique style that was refreshing, clearly sourced from your soul, passion, and calling! For me, it was a coming home. I forgot what it was like to have community of like-vibrationed people for like-purposed healing and growth! So deeply grateful! Thank you!”

David K., Workshop Attendee

“All team members were astonished with her capacity to orientate and explain those insights and emotions and even how to apply it in our daily work duty. Her capacity to organize it in just 2 days with such complex topics and boosting the best of in each team member was tremendous spectacular and unique.”

Andre R., Corporate Manager

“Samantha quickly became a key resource in our educational start-up in transforming the way we deliver our courses into highly engaging master classes. She also researched and produced highly specialized and targeted content for women in leadership in the construction industry.”

Yozu, Co-Founder of Training Organization

“The most meaningful and authentic workshop I have ever done and I’m a big skeptic so I don’t say this lightly.”

Christian, Workshop Attendee


Let’s get a juicy conversation going.
